Add joy to your own holiday by giving Christmas to a needy family. While your family is enjoying its Christmas holidays, do you ever stop and think that there are children who may go to school with your own children and grandchildren, or children you see at church or on their way to school, but who may not be having a Merry Christmas?
We may not be able to change the world, but, for one day, we can make a difference for a needy family.
Adopting a family for Christmas is not easy and quick, but it is definitely worth it. Think of the joy your bring to a needy family by providing a few presents and a holiday meal.
The Adopt-A-Family Program at OLMC helps provide a happy Christmas for families that have a hard time buying Christmas presents for their young children.
Most of the families in need are already receiving assistance from our St. Vincent de Paul conference. All applicants are checked to ensure that they do not receive duplicate help from another agency.
Most cases involve unemployed parents or single parents struggling to keep the family together, people who cannot make ends meet because of severe under-employment, or families with a serious, financially draining medical problem.
Your love, concern and generosity provide a time of peace and hope at Christmas!
Sponsors -- individuals, businesses, clubs, groups of friends -- commit to providing presents and a Christmas dinner for the family they are helping. They can choose between small, medium, and large families.
Sponsors will be given the family's profile in early December. This profile includes the name of the family, address information, phone number, children's ages, gift requests, clothes sizes, and family meal preferences.
The name and phone number of the St. Vincent de Paul liaison, who will assist sponsors with all questions, concerns, and communication problems with Spanish-speaking families, will also be on the profile.
Sponsors call or visit their family as soon as possible. This lets the family know they are adopted and relieves their anxiety. It also gives sponsors an opportunity to see what the family might need. We recommend that sponsors do not give out their home or work phone number.
What are the costs for gifts and food?
The cost to adopt a family depends on the size of the family. The sponsor buys and wraps two new presents (one toy, one clothing item) for each child between 2 and 11, and one present (clothing item) for each child 12 to 14 and each parent or grandparent living in the same home. The sponsor also provides all of the uncooked food items for a full Christmas dinner.
A tree with non-electric decorations is optional and depends on the wishes of the family. Sponsors may provide a small nativity scene instead.
A general guideline is $35-45 per person in the family for both presents and food items, total.
The presents should be wrapped and delivered before December 21. Food for the Christmas dinner can be delivered then or later. Some sponsors also give gift cards from grocery stores so that the families can purchase their own food items.